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ISO18404: Ongoing Certification Requirements

Welcome back to the official Services Limited ISO18404:2015 blog, a weekly instalment of Lean/Six Sigma and ISO18404 knowledge right where and when you need it! Check back every Thursday for the latest blog.

In previous blogs and social media postings, we’ve commented that the creation of the ISO18404 International Standard has been proactive to improve practice.

This week, we would like to elaborate on that and provide you with more information on the requirements and expectations of key personnel who wish to be certified against the new International Standard.

In an effort to stamp out bad practice in a lucrative and abused industry where it became a mainstay, it was decided the International Standard would require the professional to adhere to regular checks. Following the reasonable opinion that you wouldn’t use a doctor or lawyer who hasn’t practiced in years, so why use a Lean and/or Six Sigma professional who isn’t currently practicing?

Key personnel, as described in the International Standard, will be expected to demonstrate their attainment against defined competencies and objectives and actively maintain personal records of their training, skills, competencies and experience. The professional will also be expected to actively maintain and enhance their skills and competencies.

Green Belts and Lean Practitioners

Green Belts and Lean Practitioners should prepare and produce a portfolio of their work experience. This will form the basis of an annual status review by a Black or Master Black Belt, or Lean equivalent.

Black Belts and Lean Leaders

Similarly to the above, Black Belts and Lean Leaders should prepare and produce a portfolio of evidence of their work experience. This will form the basis of a status review by:

A. A Master Black Belt/Lean Expert every year

B. Reviewed every three years by a certification body

Master Black Belts and Lean Experts

Master Black Belt and Lean Experts shall prepare a portfolio of evidence of work experience. These portfolios form the basis of status review and will be reviewed every three years with a certification body.

With all of the above considered, status will only be renewed subject to satisfactory evidence.

Stay up to date with Services Limited on social media!

Twitter: @ProfTonyB

LinkedIn: Professor Tony Bendell


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